Field Services

Just some of the many services we offer

Viral Defense Solutions

We use FDA approved nanotechnology that is completely safe for both animals and humans and can be used without any protective bodysuits or masks. Our solution uses mechanisms known as ‘mechanical kill’ to destroy bacteria, viruses, and other microbes on direct contact. Furthermore, once the protectant is applied to the targeted area, the solution begins to work immediately and continues to prevent and kill bacteria, viruses, and harmful microbes for up to 8 hours on skin and up to 30 days on any surface. For more information please feel free to contact us either via phone or email.

Sweeping Rentals with Personal

Are you need for some street/parking lot sweeping services? We have brand new TYMCO 600 trucks in stock and ready to clean equipt with personal, insurance, and bonding. Let us know if we can help with your needs today!

Meter Location Services

Consecutive estimation of water consumption has proven to cost municipalities millions of dollars in under billed usage. The leading cause for consecutive estimation stems from covered/buried/inaccessible/meters. Most estimation logic is not structured to adequately account for more than 3 consecutive read cycles. Typically, accounts which are estimated beyond three consecutive times have significantly skewed and inaccurate water registration, leaving many consumers undercharged. This problem only amplifies itself as time progresses, leading to millions of gallons of uncharged water/wastewater usage at the expense of the municipality.

Street Sweeping

We only carry new trucks in our fleet and our trucks are serviced weekly. This ensures almost no downtown to keep our commitments to our customers. Our current customers include City of Houston and Rosenberg.

Tire Recycling

We are a commercial services company that offers quality tire recycling at a competitive price. We have worked with large municipalities such as the City of Houston, and look forward to working with you too!

Delinquent Account Turn Off

We provide a service that will provide delinquent account turn off to offenders that have not paid for their water usage bill. Our crew, once on location, will manually shut off water meters and provide a lock to ensure that the water service is not illegally restored.

Lock Installation Services

We provide lock installation services to all the products that we sell. Normally when locking systems are purchased through us, municipalities have the choice to have either their people install our locks or have Millennium USA, Inc do the service for them as well.

Paving Asphalt/Concrete Repair Services

We provide paving repair services for Commercial, Municipalities and Residential clients. We provide the following services:

  • Curb and Sidewalk Repairs
  • Cracked Pavement Repairs
  • ​Pot Hole Repairs (Asphalt/Concrete)
  • Cracked Driveway Repairs

Meter Location Services

Our company is equipped with professionals who specialize in quickly locating and excavating these hard to detect water meters without damaging surrounding infrastructure. Recently the City of Houston utilized our services to excavate and locate hidden meters resulting in the discovery of over 100 Million gallons of undercharged consumption and subsequent charge back to under billed customers.

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